Franklin Public Schools Digital Learning
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Tech Tales: Using Google Workspace to Improve Efficiency with Administrative Tasks
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Tech Tales: Teachers Infuse Technology to Transform Instruction
Fast forward to the spring, the gift of time and the choice of presentations opened up more variety. In the spring, I made google slides for my geometry class in the fall I added pear deck. I also have transitioned from peardeck to more go formative. It allows ease in seeing what kids are doing. I feel as though I keep growing. I recently added so I could see my remote kids thoughts.
I also have always used Desmos, but now we have more choice. I have also learned how to pace, create snapshots of student work to highlight.
-Beth Ackley
Horace Mann Middle School Teacher
-Leah Wahrhaftig-Jeri
Franklin High School Teacher
I use emojis to help label my topics in Google Classroom. I try to use emojis that correspond with seasons, holidays, or curriculum. In Google Slides, I create a teacher copy and then have my students
update their slides as needed. I especially like this for Book Clubs or slides that carry over from one week to the next.
-Sarah WilmarthKennedy Elementary School Teacher
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Tech Tales: Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum in the Primary Grades
Franklin teachers have faced a lot of change during this school year. From remote teaching to hybrid to in-person teaching, they have embraced new technology and teaching practices to better meet the needs of their students. We highlight their successes in this series of "Tech Tales" posts.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Tech Tales: FPS Specialists Incorporate Technology to Meet Students' Unique Needs
Franklin teachers have faced a lot of change during this school year. From remote teaching to hybrid to in-person teaching, they have embraced new technology and teaching practices to better meet the needs of their students. We highlight their successes in this series of "Tech Tales" posts.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Tech Tales: Transforming Instructional Practices
Franklin teachers have faced a lot of change during this school year. From remote teaching to hybrid to in-person teaching, they have embraced new technology and teaching practices to better meet the needs of their students. We highlight their successes in this series of "Tech Tales" posts.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Tech Tales: Newfound Comfort and Confidence with Technology
Franklin teachers have faced a lot of change during this school year. From remote teaching to hybrid to in-person teaching, they have embraced new technology and teaching practices to better meet the needs of their students. We highlight their successes in this series of "Tech Tales" posts.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Tech Tales: Franklin Teachers Share Successes
to in-person teaching, they have embraced new technology and teaching practices to better meet the needs of their students.

I have been able to learn ways to improve my proficiency in GSuite, for example, ways to save time while sharing information with colleagues...
Franklin teachers have faced a lot of change during this school year. From remote teaching to hybrid to in-person teaching, they have embr...
Franklin teachers have faced a lot of change during this school year. From remote teaching to hybrid to in-person teaching, they have embr...