Thursday, May 27, 2021

Tech Tales: FPS Specialists Incorporate Technology to Meet Students' Unique Needs

Franklin teachers have faced a lot of change during this school year.  From remote teaching to hybrid to in-person teaching, they have embraced new technology and teaching practices to better meet the needs of their students. We highlight their successes in this series of "Tech Tales" posts.

In this post, we celebrate two Franklin specialist teachers who share how they learned to integrate technology into their instructional routines to meet their students' unique needs.

A new digital technique I have incorporated this year is setting up an additional Chromebook attached to an external webcam facing the in-person students. This has been helpful to engage the students in my Social Pragmatic groups, because I have a mix of in-person and remote students. By having an additional camera face the students in the classroom during the Google Meet, the remote students at home can have a better view and idea of what is going on in the classroom. Additionally, this webcam takes some of the pressure off of the in-person students, as some of them do not like having a camera in their face (from their Chromebook).

Franklin Public Schools

I created a virtual read aloud library - akin to many teachers' virtual classrooms - but as the literacy specialist I thought a library of read alouds would be more appropriate. I have added to it throughout the year and organized it by genre/topic/holiday/season. Kids and teachers have complete access to it and can listen to me read books any time they want :-)

Jenny Callaghan
Literacy Specialist
Jefferson Elementary School

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